After a long break from actually blogging, I’m back! And with so many stories to tell, but, where to start?
I think the one topic that is fresh on my mind right now would be that of meeting the family…. o.o terrifying, I know.

Now, I’ve been through this only once, so I’m not skilled in this at all, maybe that’s the reason for all of the worry. Honestly though, how can someone get over that huge fear????
You know the feeling right? (or is it just me? O.O) The fear sets in as soon as you hear that so-and-so is going to be meeting you for the very first time, the feeling of not wanting to look like a fool, saying the wrong thing, doing the wrong thing, stepping on some toes, and just overall making an entire fool out of yourself.

Well, here’s my dilemma, I’m going to (sometime in the near or distant future) be meeting my future brother-in-law for the first time as well as his wife and new-born son. That in itself is something that will be quite of a feat. But here’s a few of my problems, 1.) I’m an amazingly shy person (so shy that everyone just assumes I’m not going to say a word and have even called arrogant for not speaking), 2.) Meeting new people terrifies me (I have to honestly mentally prepare to meet someone new), and the big one 3.) the things that I’ve heard about him make me want to just hide.

First of all we need a background story, everything is always more clear with that background story.
I’m going to be very blunt about this, when someone first looks at me they have to guess at what my initial heritage is. I get the usual, “Are you Arabic” (but then again, my name helps bring that question up), “Are you Asian?”,Are you Indian?”, no matter how many people ask, more times than not they’re wrong. But that’s the thing, I don’t think I’ve ever been ashamed of my background and I never will be, it’s just knowing ahead of time that it will be one of the focal points to the meeting just kind of puts me on edge. He mentions how I won’t be the one made fun of or anything, but he will because he is with me… Now hold on a minute, you are going to be made fun of because of my heritage? And by your brother nonetheless. That’s where I become uneasy.
I mean, what can I do? I can’t hide who I am, nor do I want to. It’s something I’m extremely proud about. But how do I face him when I know off the bat I will be judged without even saying a word?

Words of wisdom? Words of advice or encouragement? Because trust me, I am in need of them. o.o

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